Best Deer Attractant For Hunting Your Game in 2023
Deer attractants are among the best ways to lure in, hunt a buck, and make hunting much more accessible. Deer are easily attracted and baited by several deer attractants, some natural and some ready-made ones available. They are formulated so that bucks are easily lured out in the open, where you can get an effective kill.
Some deer attractants are available throughout the year, while others are made using unique ingredients during specific periods, particularly the hunting seasons. Since they are an effective way to kill deer, many hunters keep a pack of deer attractants in their hunting kit.
So let’s dive down and see what products provide the best bang for your buck down below!
16 Best Deer Attractant Reviews
We have listed the 16 best Deer attractants of 2023, which you can use and make hunting much more effortless.
1. Lucky Buck Deer Attractant

Lucky Buck is undoubtedly one of the best mineral deer attractants in the market. You can mix it with corn, spread it on the ground, or place it on a stump. Mixing with corn is the best option since the corn will provide nutrition to the deer. This nutrition is additional since it does contain corn inside already.
Lucky Buck Deer Attractant comes in a 20-pound bucket packed with nutrients and salts. It contains salt, calcium, selenium, zinc, manganese, iron, copper, cobalt, mineral oil, and natural and artificial flavours. The mineral and salt content of the Lucky Buck Deer Attractant makes it a deer’s favourite, helping them grow majestic antlers. The taste is so irresistible that the deer are likely to become addicted to the delicious formula.
Besides its apt pricing, one advantage of using the Lucky Buck Deer Attractant is that it is a variant that can be used throughout the year. In addition, it does not have molasses, so there are fewer chances that the deer will overfeed on it. This is interesting since this keeps in mind the health of the deer. It is also easy to set up.
2. Evolved Deer Co-cain Black Magic:

Deer Co-cain by Evolved, although on the bit pricier side, is also an effective deer attractant purchased extensively by hunters. It contains calcium, phosphorus, and sodium with added sodium and mineral attractants packed in a 4.5-pound bag.
It is easy to use and requires no mixing. Scout an area to see where deer routinely wander around and target that area. Spread the mix on the bare ground to attract deer. Its strong liquorice smell will attract deer from long distances. The composition of Evolved Deer Co-cain makes it suitable for use year-round. It contains phosphorus, calcium, sodium and natural molasses flavouring.
It has an interesting smell and a taste that deer adore. This makes the deer come back to munch on it again and again. Because of this trait, the attractant is given its unique name of Co-cain Black Magic.
Although it requires no mixing, adding it to corn makes the attractant even more nutritious and effective. The scent spreads better when watered or when it rains, making it wet and secretes vapour. It must be replaced every 60 days, which is rare, making it a good buy for beginners.
3. BB2 Deer Nutritional Supplement

BB2 Deer Granular Attractant is among the best deer attractants to lure deer into your property. It has a powerful aroma due to its proprietary refining process. It is one of the most nutritious blends with a high quantity of protein. Its formula makes deer come back to the property for a munch. Please put it in the desired area and constantly refill the site weekly to keep the deer returning.
You can also add corn, acorn, apples, vegetables, or chestnuts to the field to increase the chances of getting deer since these nutritious substances also act as deer scents. The nutritious blend keeps the deer hooked on to the supplement year round, helping them grow and become healthy. The ideal place to put the attractant is where wind exposure can extensively disperse the scent.
4. Outdoor Hunting Lab Antler Power Deer Minerals

Another deer scent that works wonders is Outdoor Hunting Lab Antler Power. If you want to attract whitetail deer and help them grow big antlers before you hunt them down, this Mineral Supplement is undoubtedly for you.
It contains a rich blend of vitamins A, D, and E and minerals such as zinc, calcium, phosphorous, manganese, salt, magnesium, potassium, and selenium. All these give the feed a pleasant aroma that helps attract deer while giving them numerous benefits of improved growth. It has a strong aroma that attracts deer from long distances. The grains are fortified with minerals. You can pour it on the ground or put the mix in a feeder.
5. Whitetail Institute Apple Obsession

Everyone knows that deer love to munch on apples. And this fact has been used by the Whitetail Institute to make a deer attractant that is deer’s favourite midday snack. Apple Obsession is made with fresh apple flavours, proteins, and minerals, making it an excellent diet for the deer with a fruity fragrance. It has a granular texture with an intense fruity smell.
The formula works best in autumn and winter when the apples naturally ripen and fall off their trees. This easy-to-use apple attractant draws deer from long distances. The Whitetail Institute Apple Obsession is preferred by hunters that don’t have the time to plant food plots.
6. Evolved Habitats Deer Cane Block:

Now an attractant for the spring! Evolved Deer Cane Block is an excellent mix containing minerals that lure in deer, forcing them to lick, paw, and consume the minerals. It contains salt, sodium carbonate, mineral oil, calcium stearate, monosodium glutamate, and natural and artificial sweetening agents.
The best part about this mix is that it is time blocked. This means that the minerals gradually react with the moisture in the soil, forming a persistent vapour trail. This makes the feed fragrant longer and can serve to lure deer more effectively.
7. Wildgame Innovations Acorn Rage

Wildgame Innovations Acord Rage is another desirable deer attractant in the market. Real acorns, roasted soybeans, processed grain by-products, and calcium carbonate are combined in a particular way to make Acorn Rage according to the liking of deer.
Additionally, Wildgame Innovations uses its innovative Airborne Technology, which extends the range and speed of scent dispersion compared to existing commercial deer food attractants. It is protein based and contains a variety of plant protein products, acorns, processed grains as well as calcium carbonate.
In addition, the high protein content makes the mix excellent for supporting the nutrition and health of the deer. The mix can be used on bare ground and does best in front of trail cameras or in front of a tree stand. The best part about this mix is that it’s not just a scent or an attractant but contains real acorns that the deer love eating. The mix comes in variable packing. The product is designed with the deer’s health in mind. It is a concentrated formula and is ready to mix with corn which makes feeding on regular corn not that boring.
8. Whitetail Institute Imperial Forage Oats Plus

Whitetail Institute Forage Oats Plus is an excellent mix for the winter season. The winter season is cold, but it’s good that this mix is cold tolerant due to winter wheat and triticale. It contains acorn crushed and blended with oil-rich soybean meals. The mix can also survive a wide range of soils from slightly sandy to heavily boggy.
Whitetail Institute ensures that all of its products effectively attract deer, and the Imperial Forage Oats Plus is no exception. This product is one of the most influential and scented oats deer attractants in the market that the deer absolutely adore. It is a good performer even when planted alone in food plots. Whitetail Institute is among the first companies to make the Forage Oat Plus product.
9. Ani-Logics Braggin Rights Attractant

Ani Logics Braggin Rights Attractant is formulated for whitetail deer antler growth. It is a nutrient as well as an attractant. It can lure and hold deer due to its scent. The mix can be spread as it is on the ground or used mixed with corn. The mix is enriched with minerals that promote bone and antler growth.
The fresh scent and taste of apples draw deer in and hold them. It uses Anti-Shield TX4 Technology to promote deer health and antler growth. It also contains essential oils which have anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties. In addition, it also contains probiotics that help in digestion and keep the deer healthy. It contains chelated minerals that increases the mineral absorption as well.
10. HME Scent Web Spray

This type of scented web foam string can come in various scents that deer love. After spraying, the foam turns into the form of a wick. The wick keeps on attracting deer and lasts a long time. The six scents include Vanilla Corn, Apple, Sweet Corn, Scrape Venom, She-Heat, and She-Duction. It can spray up to 15 feet away and has a 300-foot web.
An essential feature of the Web Spray is its long-range spray, making it practical and long-lasting for more considerable distances without contaminating the area with human scents. This scent can be used; you can spray it in a scrape, onto licking branches, on your boots, or the deer trail.
Since it takes the form of a wick, you don’t have to spray tons of spray because a little goes a long way. Putting the formula on your shoes or boots is a great way to attract deer while masking your human scent.
11. Big & J Head Rush Long Range Attractant

Suppose you’re interested in a deer attractant that would serve long ranges. The Bug & J Attractants Headrush is just the formula for you. This salt-based attractant is enriched with minerals and trace ingredients that draw deer in because of their scent. Like other mixes, it can be used alone or with corn or acorns.
It contains several trace minerals such as zinc, copper, cobalt, and manganese that are readily absorbed and bioavailable to the animal. In addition, it contains proteins, fat, fibers, phosphorus, calcium and other salts that support the antler growth and nutrition of deer.
12. C’mere Deer 3-Day Harvest

A deer attractant that keeps the deer returning to the shooting area is C’mere Deer 3-Day Harvest. The product is a deliciously palatable formula that acts like a deer magnet. It is made so that it is divided into three portions. On day 1, spread the mix into the desired area. This dispersed pattern will attract more attention and lure in more deer.
The next day, adjust according to the wind conditions and apply the second portion of the harvest. On the third and last day, apply as necessary over the area. This technique aims at luring giant deer and increasing your chances of scoring a prize.
13. Buck Bomb Sugar Beet Smash

An innovative deer attractant meant to be fixed into the ground and keep the deer coming back for more is the Buck Bomb Sugar Beet Smash. The sweet fruity formula is crafted from sweet sugar beets crushed and blended with heat-processed beans into a thick formulation. This one-of-a-kind deer attractant is best for use in front of game cameras.
14. Evolved Habitat Buck Jam Honey Acorn Liquid

If you’re a hunter who prefers liquid mixes over grains, the best option is Buck Jam Honey Acorn Liquid by Evolved Habitat. It contains all the usual minerals found in attractants and a sweet jam made of honey, xantham gum, guar gum, and acorn, giving a sweet scent that attracts deer far away.
It also contains sodium carbonate, citric acid, as well as natural and artificial flavours. Because of its liquid consistency, you can use it in many ways, either pour it into the ground or make a holder or use old decaying log stumps as a bowl. Salt
15. Purina Quick Draw Block Deer Attractant

Regarding effectiveness and quality, the Purina Quick Draw Deer Block attractant is among the best in the market. It consists of research-based products and formulas to meet the nutritional needs of the deer. The propriety blend nourishes and strengthens the antlers of the deer. Its irresistible scent and flavours make deer bound to the site where you’ve put the bait.
16. Buck Bomb Persimmon Dream

Another sweet attractant that makes hunting more straightforward and fun is the persimmon-flavoured Buck Bomb Persimmon Dream. This consists of a mix that retains its scent over a few days, so you don’t have to worry about the mix losing its ability to lure in deer. The sweet, potent smell helps in luring deer from a wide range. It blends perfectly with the surroundings and is not harmful to nature or the deer. It can be used on trail cameras to make a path to pull in the deer at a specific spot in good sight.
It is suitable for use in the late rut season because it contains a high protein and carbohydrate content, which will benefit the deer during high activity. You can utilise this attractant on bare ground or in a feeder as per convenience. The bag is smaller than competitors, and you may need to reapply the feed often because the scent may die out.
Deer Scent Types
Deer scents come in two different forms. The ones we have already discussed are the synthetic formulations available from the market. The natural deer Attractants include:
Estrous Scent of Doe
The purpose of the rut is that deer find a doe reading to be bred. So the most potent deer attractant is the doe’s estrous scent. The pheromones in the urine of a doe act as the main attractant; however, the scent lasts for only three days. An effective Estrous Scent is by Nationwide Scents.
Tarsal Gland Scent of Buck
The hind legs of deer contain a small tarsal gland that produces a secretion that helps other deer know about the deer’s status. The buck urinates on the gland, which gives off a particular order as the bacteria in the urine interact with the hair around the gland. This scent is an indicator of a competitor in the early rut season. So deer will lure in because of the sense of another competitor looking for a doe.
How to Choose the Right Deer Attractant
It is just as important to assess the hunting area and choose a good deer attractant that will effectively attract deer in that area rather than going by only reviews. Here are the main factors you should consider while selecting one for yourself:
Hunting Season:
Depending on the season, whether it is the hunting season, or the pre-rut season you can choose your attractant. As mentioned above, some attractants are made specifically for the winter or other seasons while some are non-specific and can be used throughout the year.
The attractants work depending on the preference of the deer in your area as well as the quality of your attractant. Using pure ingredients as well as natural scents will more likely attract most of the deer.
An attractant with effective leak proof and moisture proof packing is likely to serve you better. Many customers complain of attractants leaking or spilling which makes them lose their worth. Therefore, it is better to get an attractant with resistant packing that will also ensure effectiveness of the attractant long term.
An attractant in the budget is a good choice. Attractants serve an accessory purpose to lure in deer. If there are more deer in the locality the attractants would look more effective but it’s just the density of the animal in the area. Always stay on the budget is our tip.
Easy to Use:
Its better to focus on hunting skills and the right equipment than attractants alone. Get an attractant that is easy to use and will serve maximum purpose of attracting deer.
The best attractant is the one that is easy to carry. If you’re going to go through loads of hustle to carry the attractant everywhere and spend your energy on that, we think it is not an effective practice.
How to Prevent Other Animals from Feeding On Your Attractant:
One of the biggest problems with deer attractants is that they attract deer but also lure in other animals. It is truly a shame when you wake up excited to see if the deer ate your feed but find out there were only raccoons. Raccoons and squirrels feed on corn just like deer. One may use a feeder, but raccoons also tend to use those. The only solution is to construct a heat duct pipe and screw it onto the feeder. It would be wide enough to prevent the raccoons from climbing up.
How to Make Deer Food Plots:
Making a deer food plot is an effective strategy for attracting deer. One example is the Whitetail Institute Imperial Whitetail Clover Deer Food Plot Seed. It is perennial in nature so it comes back after a year. The deer love it and it is an excellent source of vitamins and minerals. Planting a deer plot is thus another form of attractant. Here’s how you can make one too:
Step 1: Select a Good Location
The ideal location for making a deer food plot would be a clearing that is easy to work on, free from trees, and the soil should be suitable for putting the attractant. The area should be airy and should get an ample amount of sunlight. The plot should also be situated so you can quickly get a shot during the hunting season without the deer knowing.
Step 2: Test the Soil
Test the soil for its pH and acidity so that you can choose the right kind of fertiliser to go on your plot.
Step 3: Select a Seed
Seeds come in annual and perennial varieties, so choose wisely according to your target season. Then prepare the ground as per choice since perennial ones do not require tillage.
Step 4: Prepare the Site and Plant the Seeds
Once you’ve determined the pH and kind of seed you desire, clear off the plot from feeds and other herbs either by hand or herbicides, wait for the clearing to become pest free, and then you can plant your seeds.
Step 5: Maintain Your Food Plot
After you’re done planting the seeds, monitor the growth of your plants and refill any gaps in the food plot. Make sure to water the plot and mow it according to the need.
Step 6: Apply the Attractants and Hunt Deer
Once the plot has flourished, use a combination of different deer attractants to get the deer to come to the food plot. Remember that using the same or one attractant repeatedly would be boring for the deer, and they won’t come in.
So here is it! You’re done making a food plot to suit your hunting needs.
Final Words on Best Deer Attractants
There are a number of deer scents in the market, both natural and synthetic. Natural scents are one of the best ways of attracting deer, but they only last for some days. You can make use of any of the deer attractants we have listed since these are among the best synthetic attractants in the market. Our top pick would indeed be Evolved Deer Co-cain Black Magic that can be used throughout the year, is suitable for beginners, and the deer just love it!